世纪互联运营的 Microsoft 365 在线服务标准协议



1. 服务。

服务的实施。我们为您提供的服务是基于微软(中国)有限公司及其关联公司(以下简称“微软”)许可我们使用的 Microsoft 365 技术。尽管基础Windows Azure 和 Microsoft 365 技术是由微软开发并维护,但服务是由我们而不是由微软实施并向您提供的。微软并非本协议的一方,且本协议未授予您针对微软的任何合同权利或者其他权利或救济。

服务位置。提供服务的数据中心应位于中华人民共和国(在本协议中,不包括香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾)。本协议未授权您获取或使用其他数据中心或其他运营商提供的 Microsoft 365 服务。

预览版和有限供应物。我们可能会提供标识为预览版和/或有限供应物的服务。预览版和有限供应物按现状包含所有缺陷目前可用的形式提供,不适用 SLA 和有限保证。预览版和/或有限供应物的安全、合规和隐私保护承诺可能会有所不同或减少,这在隐私声明和预览版和/或有限供应物所附的其他任何声明中会做详细说明。对预览版我们可能仅提供有限的客户支持或不提供客户支持。我们可能会在不另行通知的情况下随时更改或停止提供预览版。我们也可能会不让预览版进入“全面发售”。

2. 服务的使用。


限制。您不得对服务进行反向工程、反向编译、反汇编或绕过任意服务的技术限制,除非适用的法律尽管有此项限制仍允许上述行为。对于任何计费机制(包括计量您对服务使用情况的任何机制),您不得禁用、篡改或以其他方式尝试规避。您不得将任何服务和软件出租、租赁、出借、转售、转让或分许可给第三方,也不得为第三方出租、租赁、出借、转售、转让或分许可任何软件。 您访问或使用本服务的方式不应侵犯任何第三方的权利,也不会以使我们的任意供应商承担第三方义务为目的。




(i) 我们可能会向您提供第三方产品。对第三方产品的使用将受您和提供该第三方产品的第三方签订的单独条款的约束。为了方便起见,我们可能在您的服务帐单中包含针对第三方产品的收费。不过我们(以及我们的供应商)不对第三方产品承担任何责任。

(ii) 对于您配合服务安装或使用的任何第三方产品,您应独自承担责任。就约束您对任何第三方产品使用的任何条款而言,我们并不是当事方,亦不受该等条款约束。

(iii) 如果您配合服务安装或使用了任何第三方产品,则您(而非我们)应通过相应行动(例如,通过使用应用程序编程接口或作为服务一部分的其他技术手段),监管和控制此类产品在服务中的安装和使用。我们将不会私自运行此类第三方产品,也不会创建任何副本。

(iv) 如果您配合服务安装或使用了任何第三方产品,则您安装和使用此类产品的方式不应导致我们的知识产权或技术必须承担本协议未包括的任何义务。







3. 安全、隐私和数据保护。









(i) 互联网信息服务提供商不得制作、复制、发布或散播包含以下内容(“禁止内容”)的信息。有以下情况的内容属禁止内容:a.反对宪法所确定的基本原则的;b.危害国家安全、泄露国家机密,颠覆国家政权,破坏国家统一的;c.损害国家荣誉和利益的;d.煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,破坏民族团结的;e.破坏国家宗教政策,宣扬邪教和封建迷信的;f.散布谣言,扰乱社会秩序,破坏社会稳定的;g.散布淫秽、色情、赌博、暴力、凶杀、恐怖或者教唆犯罪的;h.侮辱或者诽谤他人,侵害他人合法权益的;i.含有法律、行政法规禁止的其他内容的。

(ii) 若互联网信息服务提供商发现在其网站上发布的信息属于禁止内容,则应立即终止上述发布,保留相关记录,并向相关国家机构报告。

(iii) 若您使用服务开展业务须经相关政府机构许可或批准,您应当取得该等相关许可或批准,包括但不限于:a.若您的网站提供非经营性互联网信息服务,您应当在政府机构办理非经营性网站的备案;b.若您的网站提供经营性互联网信息服务,您应当从政府机构取得经营性网站电信业务经营许可证。

(iv) 您在注册服务时必须提供您的真实身份和联系方式,如信息发生变更,应立即在门户网站上进行变更。我们将通过上述信息联系到您,详见隐私声明中的规定。您保证您所提供的信息是真实、完整和有效的,否则您将承担全部后果。

4. 购买服务。




5. 期限、终止与暂停。

期限。本协议在依据本协议购买的任何订购期内一直保持有效。初始订购期限是指从初始订购之日起的十二 (12) 个日历月,除非门户上另外指定。如果您在订购期限内增加特定服务计划的订购许可量,增加的订购许可将视为该计划订购的一部分,将与初始订单中购买的许可同时到期。


续签。除有限供应物之外,订购将在订购期结束时自动续订,续订期与相应的初始期限相同。有限供应物将在期满时终止,并且将不会自动续订。我们将在订购期满之前为您提供书面的自动续签通知。如果希望在订购期结束时订购到期,则您必须在订购期结束之前至少提前三十 (30) 天通知您的客户支持。

客户数据的返还与删除。您可以随时提取和/或删除客户数据。在订购期满或终止后,我们会将您还未删除的任何客户数据保留至少九十 (90) 天以便于您提取,但有限供应物除外。如果是有限供应物,我们会立即删除客户数据,不提供任何保留期。您应负责支付保留期的所有存储费用及其他适用的费用。上述保存期限届满后,我们会自保存期限终止后删除所有客户数据,包括所有缓存或备份的副本。您同意,我们没有继续保留、导出或返还客户数据的其他义务,而且对于我们依照这些条款删除客户数据的行为,我们也不承担任何责任。


暂停。如果出现以下情况,我们可以暂停您对服务的使用:(1) 出于防止对客户数据进行未授权访问的合理需要;(2) 您未能在合理时间内回应指控侵权索赔;(3) 您没有依照本协议支付应付款项;或者 (4) 您没有遵守可接受的使用方式政策或违反了本协议或适用法律和法规的其他条款。暂停的适用范围是服务的最小必要部分,只有在存在条件或需要时才会实行。我们将在暂停服务之前发出通知,除非我们合理认为必须立即暂停服务。如果您未能在暂停服务后六十 (60) 天内完全解决导致暂停的原因,我们可能会终止您的订购并在不提供任何保留期的情况下删除您的客户数据。

因违约而终止。如果您实质性地违反此协议,我们会通知您并为您提供三十 (30) 天对违约进行补救。如果您在三十 (30) 天期限内未补救实质性违约,我们将终止您的服务使用权。对于有限供应物,我们终止服务的权利在此类实质性违约的通知发出时即生效。


6. 保证。

有限保证。我们保证服务在订购期内满足 SLA 条款。若我们违反此保证,您能获得的所有补偿均在 SLA 中列出。


(i) 任何由于法律规定而不能否认的默示保证、保障或条件在有限保证期开始后的一年内有效;

(ii) 此有限保证不涵盖因意外、滥用或以与本协议不一致的方式使用服务或由于超出我们的合理控制范围的事件导致的问题;

(iii) 此有限保证不适用于因不能满足最低系统要求而导致的问题;以及

(iv) 此有限保证不适用于预览版或有限供应物。


7. 索赔辩护。

辩护。对于因服务侵犯独立第三方的专利权、版权或商标或非法使用其商业秘密而由该第三方提出的任何索赔,我们将为您提供辩护。对于由独立第三方提出的任何索赔,如果是因为 (1) 您在使用服务过程中直接或间接提供的任何客户解决方案或客户数据侵犯了该第三方的专利权、版权或商标,或非法使用了其商业秘密或 (2) 您违反了可接受的使用方式政策,则您应为我们和我们的关联公司提供辩护。

限制。对于因下列原因导致的索赔或裁决,我们概不承担为您辩护的义务:(1) 客户数据、第三方产品、您对软件所做的修改、您在使用服务的过程中提供的材料;(2) 您将服务与某一第三方产品、数据或业务流程结合使用,或基于该第三方产品、数据或业务流程价值确定的损害;(3) 您在未经明确书面同意的情况下使用世纪互联或微软商标,或在我们因第三方主张通知您停止使用产品后继续使用产品;或 (4) 您将软件再分配给任何无关联的第三方,或为该等第三方的利益使用产品。

补救措施。如果我们合理认为此类索赔可能会妨碍您对产品的使用,我们将寻求:(1) 为您获取继续使用产品的权利;或 (2) 对产品进行修改或使用具有对等功能的产品予以更换。如果以上选项在商业上不是合理可行的,我们可能终止您使用服务的权利,然后返还尚未使用的订购权利的所有预付款。

义务。各方必须立即将第 7 中规定的索赔事宜通知另一方。寻求保护的一方必须 (1) 让另一方全权处理索赔辩护和庭外和解事宜;以及 (2) 提供索赔辩护方面的合理帮助。提供保护的一方将 (1) 补偿另一方在提供帮助时所产生的合理的现付费用;以及 (2) 支付任何不利终审判决(或经另一方同意的庭外和解)产生的费用。

8. 责任限制。

限制。在适用法律允许的范围内,各方(和/或其关联公司、供应商和承包商)在本协议项下的责任总额以直接损害为限,其金额不超过责任产生前十二 (12) 个月期间根据本协议的规定就产生相关责任的服务支付的款项。如为预览版或有限供应物,或您依授权再分发给第三方而未另行向我们付款的任何代码,我们及我们的关联公司和承包商在本协议项下对您承担的责任以 50 元人民币为限。


限制例外情况。本节中的责任限制在适用法律允许的最大范围内适用,但不适用于:(1) 双方在“索赔辩护”“一节或不可抗力”小节条款下的义务;或 (2) 侵犯另一方知识产权的行为。

9. 软件。



10. 其他。



微软云事业部 | 商务运营团队

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(i) 您不得转让本协议。我们有权将本协议转让给我们的关联公司。

(ii) 如我们继续向您提供服务的权利终止,则我们可以经提前四十五 (45) 天向您发出通知,将本协议转让给其他实体。如您不同意将本协议转让给新实体,则您可以在四十五 (45) 天期限届满之前向我们发出通知,终止本协议以及所有的订购(不发生任何提前撤销的费用)。






不可抗力。任一方均不对由于超出其合理控制范围的原因(例如火灾、爆炸、断电、地震、洪水、猛烈风暴、罢工、禁运、劳资纠纷、民事或军事机构的行为、战争、恐怖行动(包括网络恐怖行动)、不可抗拒事件、Internet 通信运营商的行为或疏忽、监管或政府机构的行为或疏忽(包括通过法律或法规或影响服务交付的其他政府行为))而导致的任何未能履行其义务的情况负责。但本节不适用于您依据本协议应履行的付款义务。

管辖法律和争议解决。本协议由中华人民共和国法律管辖并依照其进行解释。由本协议引起或与其相关的任何争议或索赔,或者因违约而导致的协议终止或因违反本协议规定引起或与其相关的任何争议(包括有效性、范围和强制性),均将提交至中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(以下简称“CIETAC”),并按照申请仲裁时生效的 CIETAC 仲裁规则在北京进行仲裁。仲裁裁决将是最终的,对双方均具有约束力。不过,本条款并不妨碍任何一方就 (i) 侵犯另一方的知识产权,(ii) 违反本协议规定的对另一方的任意保密义务,或者 (iii) 就任何裁决或命令的承认或强制执行而在任何适用管辖权地内寻求禁止令救济。


遵守贸易法。 本协议的各方认可,基于微软许可技术的服务(以下简称“项目”)可能受美国和其他国家/地区的出口管辖。 各方将遵守适用于项目进出口的所有法律和法规,包括但不限于贸易法律,例如《美国出口管理条例》、《国际武器贸易条例》,以及美国外国资产控制办公室(”OFAC”)的制裁条例(统称为“贸易法”)。

您不会采取导致世纪互联或其许可方违反美国或其他适用的贸易法的任何行动。 如果您得知可能存在违反与履行本协议相关的贸易法的情形,或可能存在违反本小节条款的情形,您将尽快通知世纪互联,但任何情况不得晚于获知该消息后 14 天。 只要世纪互联合理地认为,履行本协议将导致世纪互联或其许可方违反美国或其他适用的贸易法(包括上述法律),或使世纪互联或其许可方面临成为此类法律下经济制裁主体的风险,世纪互联可以暂停或终止本协议。

11. 定义。

本协议中所表述的 “天” 均指日历日。

“可接受的使用方式政策” 列出了禁止的服务使用方式,在 https://www.21vbluecloud.com/ostpt/ 或我们指定的替代网站上公布了 Microsoft 365 服务的该政策。

“关联公司” 指由一方所有或一方所属且所占股份不低于 50% 的任何法律实体。

“社区” 是指我们或某个关联公司创办的一个或多个论坛,供客户或一般公众获取服务使用相关信息或进行相关协作,可以通过门户或在我们指定的替代网站访问上述论坛。

“客户数据” 指由您或终端用户使用服务由您或终端用户(或以您或终端用户的名义)向我们提供的所有数据,包括所有文本、声音、软件或图像文件。

“终端用户” 指客户解决方案的任何用户,或由您或您的任何关联公司允许其访问和使用服务、在服务中托管的客户数据或通过其他方式使用服务的任何人。

“有限供应物” 是指您在有限的期限内免费或象征性付费(例如支付 1 元人民币获得试用)获得有限数量的服务。

“Microsoft 365 服务” 是指在https://www.21vbluecloud.com/ostpt/ 于中华人民共和国(不包括香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾)的数据中心运营的一个或多个服务或功能。

“门户” 指您在https://www.21vbluecloud.com/ostpt/ 或我们指定的替代网站上购买Microsoft 365 服务订购的在线门户。

“预览版” https://www.21vbluecloud.com/ostpt/ 指提供的服务或软件的预览版、测试版或其他预发行版本,用于获取客户反馈。

“隐私声明” 指世纪互联在线服务隐私声明在 https://www.21vbluecloud.com/ostpt/或我们指定的替代网站上公布。

“服务” 是指作为服务的一部分在订购中包括的任何 Windows Azure 服务和/或 Microsoft 365 服务和软件。

“服务条款” 提供了规范服务内具体功能或服务的客户支持事项的附加条款,在https://www.21vbluecloud.com/ostpt/ 或我们指定的替代网站上公布了Microsoft 365 的服务条款。您可能还需要使用其他网站及在线服务来访问和使用服务,如果是这样,与这些网站或在线服务相关的使用条款适用于您对这些网站或在线服务的使用。

“SLA” 指我们在交付或履行服务方面所做的承诺,如 https://www.21vbluecloud.com/microsoft365/m365-sla/ Microsoft 365 服务级别协议中所述。

“软件” 指我们作为服务的一部分提供给您的软件,用于与服务配合使用或在服务内使用。

“订购” 是指在订购期限内使用特定服务计划(例如 Microsoft 365 Business Standard或 Office 365 Enterprise E3)的权利。

“订购许可” 是指在订购期限内单一终端用户访问和使用服务以及下载、安装和使用软件的权利。

“期限” 是指订购的持续时间(如 30 天或 12 个月)。

“第三方产品” 指除我们之外的实体许可、出售或通过其他方式提供给您的任何软件、数据、服务、网站或其他产品,无论您是通过我们的产品还是在其他地方获得。

“我们” 是指世纪互联,如本协议开始中所述。

“您” 和 “您的” 是指签订本协议以使用产品的实体。

附录 A – 合格教育用户


1.  满足下列所有条件的教育机构或组织,可以是公立或私立学校、小学、初级中学、中学、针对残障人士的特殊学校、职业学校、职业培训机构、函授学校、大专、教育学院、大学、科学或技术研究所、多学科工科大学、专科学校或宗教学校:

(i) 完成其提供的学习课程可以获得相应证书,且该证书被视为是某个国家/地区的主流教育进程的一部分。( 此类证书包括:国际学士学位;学校证书、专科文凭、文凭;本科学位;硕士学位;博士学位;)

(ii) 获得了该国家/地区的教育部门或公认的教育认证机构的认证。如果没有直接认证,则需要有替代性的认可( 比如,该学校或机构提供的证书必须得到传统的认证合格的教育机构( 无论是当地还是国际的 )在学分或学习资格方面的承认;并且

(iii) 大体上,在机构的所有注册学生中,必须有 ( >90% ) 的人数学习旨在获得上面第 (i) 小节认可的认证证书的教育课程,只应有少数学生参与非认证的学习计划。

2. 满足下列所有标准的儿童早期教育中心:(i) 是一个旨在为两 (2) 至五 (5) 岁的儿童提供教育服务而实施的儿童早期教育计划,并且该计划最少为十 (10) 名此类儿童提供服务;(ii) 由该国家/地区的教育部/部门或公认的认证机构合法建立、授权、创建、许可、特许、登记和/或认证;并且 (iii) 已运营至少一 (1) 年。

合格教育用户的管理办公室或学校委员会定义如下:(a) 掌管上面定义的公共合格教育用户的中央政府、省级、地市级和当地管理机构或行政当局;或者 (b) 为了管理上面定义的私立合格教育用户而建立和运营的管理机构。




21Vianet’s Online Services Standard Agreement for Microsoft 365

Last updated: 02/2023

This agreement is between the party accepting this agreement and Shanghai Blue Cloud Technology Co., Ltd. (“21Vianet” or “we”), an affiliate of Beijing 21Vianet Broadband Data Center Co., Ltd. and consists of the below terms and conditions, the Acceptable Use Policy, the Services Terms, the SLAs, and the pricing and related terms listed on the Portal for your Subscription. It is effective on the date we provide you with confirmation of your first order (the “Effective Date”).


  1. Services.

Operation of Services. The Services we provide to you are based on Microsoft 365 technology that we have licensed from Microsoft (China) Co., Ltd. and its Affiliates (“Microsoft”).  While Microsoft develops and maintains the underlying Windows Azure and Microsoft 365 technology, the Services are operated and provided to you independently by us, not by Microsoft.  Microsoft is not a party to this agreement, and this agreement does not provide you with any contractual or other rights or remedies against Microsoft.

Location of Services.  The Services are provided from data center(s) located in the People’s Republic of China (which for the purpose of this agreement excludes Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions and Taiwan).  This agreement does not provide any right to access or use the Microsoft 365 services from other data centers or other operators.

Preview releases and Limited Offerings. We may make available Services identified as Previews and/or Limited Offerings.

PREVIEWS AND LIMITED OFFERINGS ARE PROVIDED “AS-IS,” “WITH ALL FAULTS,” AND “AS AVAILABLE,” AND ARE EXCLUDED FROM THE SLAS AND LIMITED WARRANTY. Previews and/or Limited Offerings may be subject to reduced or different security, compliance and privacy commitments, as further explained in the Privacy Statement and any additional notices provided with the Preview and/or Limited Offerings.  Customer support for Previews may be limited or not available.  We may change or discontinue Previews at any time without notice.  We also may choose not to release a Preview into “General Availability.”


  1. Use of Services.

Right to use. We grant you the right to access and use the Services and to download, install and use Software included with your Subscription, as further described in this agreement and the Portal, subject to the Services Terms and the Acceptable Use Policy, which we may update periodically, and your compliance with this agreement. We reserve all other rights.

Limitations. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or work around technical limitations in any of the Services, except where applicable law permits it despite this limitation.  You may not disable, tamper with or otherwise attempt to circumvent any billing mechanism, including any mechanism that meters your use of the Service.  You may not rent, lease, lend, resell, transfer, or sublicense any Software to or for third parties.  You may not access or use the Service in any way that violates the rights of any third party or purports to subject any of our suppliers to any obligations to third parties.

End Users. You control access by your End Users, and you are responsible for their use of the Services in accordance with this agreement.

Customer Data. You are solely responsible for the content of your Customer Data.  You will secure rights in Customer Data necessary for us to provide you the Services without violating the rights of any third party, or otherwise obligating us to you or to any third party.  We do not and will not accept any obligations set forth in any separate license or other agreement that may apply to Customer Data or your use of the Services.

Third-Party Products.

(i) We may make Third Party Products available to you.  The use of a Third-Party Product will be governed by separate terms between you and the third party providing that Third-Party Product.  For your convenience, we may include charges for the Third-Party Product as part of your bill for the Services.  We (and our suppliers), however, assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the Third-Party Product.

(ii) You are solely responsible for any Third-Party Product that you install or use with the Services. We are not a party to and are not bound by any terms governing your use of any Third-Party Product.

(iii) If you install or use any Third-Party Product with the Services, then you, not we, direct and control the installation and use of it in the Services through your actions (for example, through your use of application programming interfaces and other technical means that are part of the Services).  We will not run or make any copies of such Third-Party Product outside of our relationship with you.

(iv) If you install or use any Third-Party Product with the Services, you may not do so in any way that would subject our intellectual property or technology to obligations beyond those included in this agreement.

Responsibility for your accounts. You are responsible for all activities associated with your online service accounts, including, if applicable, the activities of users you provision and your dealings with third parties that take place through your accounts or associated accounts. You are also responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any non-public authentication credentials associated with your use of the Services.  You must promptly notify our customer support team about any possible misuse of your accounts or authentication credentials, or any security incident related to the Services.

Use by Affiliates.  You may place orders for your Affiliates under this agreement and may grant your Affiliates administrative rights to manage their accounts, but Affiliates may not place orders under this agreement. You are responsible for your Affiliates’ use of the Services in accordance with this agreement and you agree to be jointly and severally liable for any actions of such Affiliates related to their use of the Services.

Updates. We may make changes to the Services from time to time.

Customer support.  We will provide you with support for the Service as set forth in the Portal.

State secret representation and warranty.  You represent and warrant that Customer Data does not include state secrets or, if any Customer Data does constitute state secrets, that you have obtained necessary approvals to disclose those state secrets to us and our Affiliates, contractors and suppliers.

Eligibility for Academic versions. You agree that if you are purchasing an academic offer, you meet the respective eligibility requirements listed in the Appendix A. 21Vianet reserves the right to verify eligibility at any time and suspend the Service if the eligibility requirements are not met.


  1. Security, privacy, and data protection.

Security. We maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures, internal controls, and data security routines intended to protect Customer Data against accidental loss or change, unauthorized disclosure or access, or unlawful destruction.  Current information on our security practices can be found on our website.

Privacy. We treat Customer Data in accordance with our Privacy Statement.  We are a data processor (or sub-processor) acting on your behalf, and you appoint us to do these things with Customer Data in order to provide the Services to you.  You will obtain any necessary consent from End Users or others whose personal information or other data you will be hosting in the Services.

Ownership of Customer Data. Except for Software we license to you, as between the parties, you retain all right, title and interest in and to Customer Data.  We acquire no rights in Customer Data, other than the right to host Customer Data on our systems, including the right to use and reproduce Customer Data within our systems solely for such hosting purposes.

Use of Customer Data. We will use Customer Data only to provide you the Services. This use may include troubleshooting to prevent, find and fix problems with the operation of the Services.  It may also include improving features for finding and protecting against threats to users. We will not use Customer Data or derive information from it for any advertising or other commercial purposes without your consent.

Third party requests. We will not disclose Customer Data to a third party (excluding our suppliers and subcontractors) except as you direct or unless pursuant to applicable laws and regulations.  If compelled to disclose Customer Data to a third party, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to notify you in advance of a disclosure unless legally prohibited.  Should a third party contact us with a complaint about your use of the Services (for example, allegation of infringement by you or your End User), we may ask the third party to contact you directly and may provide your basic contact information to the third party.

Other Companies. We use other companies to provide limited services on our behalf, such as customer support. Any such other companies will be permitted to obtain Customer Data only to deliver the services we have retained them to provide, and they are prohibited from using Customer Data for any other purpose.  We remain responsible for these other companies’ compliance with the obligations set forth in this agreement.

Compliance with law. We will comply with all laws applicable to our provision of the Services, including applicable security breach notification laws, but not including any laws applicable to you or your industry that are not generally applicable to information technology services providers.  You will comply with all laws applicable to your Customer Solution, Customer Data, and use of the Services.


You acknowledge that under Chinese regulations:

(i) An Internet information service provider shall not produce, reproduce, publish or disseminate information that includes the following content (“Prohibited Content”).  Prohibited Content is content that:

a. is against the basic principles determined by the Constitution; b. impairs national security, divulges State secrets, subverts State sovereignty or jeopardizes national unity; c. damages the reputation and interests of the State; d. incitesethnic hostility and ethnic discrimination or jeopardizes unity among ethnic groups; e. damages State religious policiesor that advocates sects or feudal superstitions; f. disseminates rumors, disrupts the social order ordamages socialstability; g. disseminates obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, homicide and terror, or that incites crime; h. insults or slanders others or that infringes their lawful rights and interests; and i. is otherwise prohibited by laws or administrative regulations.

(ii) If an Internet information service provider discovers that information distributed on its website falls within the scope of the Prohibited Content, it shall promptly terminate the distribution, keep relevant records, and report to the relevant authorities.

(iii) If the business or organization you operate by using the Services is subject to permit or approval by related governmental authorities, you will obtain such related permit or approval, including without limitation: a. if your website provides non-operational Internet information services, you will make the filing for the non-operational website with the governmental authority; and b.if your website provides operational Internet information services, you will obtain the VAT permit for operational website from the governmental authority.

(iv) You will provide your real identity and contact information in registering for the Services and promptly update that information in the Portal if it changes.  We will use this information to contact you as detailed in the Privacy Statement.  You warrant that the information you provide is true, complete and valid, and you are wholly responsible for the consequences if it is not.


  1. Purchasing Services.

Ordering. Subscription Licenses may be ordered through the Portal. By submitting an order, you agree to the offer terms for that Subscription as described on the Portal. You may place multiple orders and purchase multiple Subscriptions under this agreement.

Pricing and payment. Payments are due and must be made according to the pricing and payment terms for each Subscription as described on the Portal.  The price level is based on the quantity you order under this agreement, excluding Limited Offers. Prices for each Subscription are determined at the time of your order and are fixed throughout the Term but are subject to change at the beginning of any Subscription renewal. You may increase the quantity of Subscription Licenses ordered during the Term, and your price level may be adjusted accordingly. Price level changes are not retroactive.

Taxes. Prices are inclusive of value added tax.  You shall be responsible for any applicable stamp taxes and for all other taxes that you are legally obligated to pay including any taxes that arise on the provision of Services to your Affiliates. We shall be responsible for all taxes based upon our net income or on our property ownership.  If any taxes are required to be withheld on payments you make to us, you may deduct such taxes from the amount owed to us and pay them to the appropriate taxing authority, provided however that you promptly secure and deliver an official receipt for those withholdings and other documents we reasonably request to claim a foreign tax credit or refund.  You will make certain that any taxes withheld are minimized to the extent possible under applicable law.


  1. Term, termination, and suspension.

Term. This agreement will remain in effect for the Term of any Subscription ordered under this agreement.  The initial Term of a Subscription is twelve calendar months from the date of your initial order unless otherwise specified on the Portal.  If you increase the quantity of Subscription Licenses for a particular Service plan during the Term, the additional Subscription Licenses will be considered part of the Subscription for that plan and will expire at the same time as those purchased in the initial order.

Termination.  You may terminate any Subscription during the Term by calling customer support or otherwise as described on the Portal.  If you terminate a Subscription during its Term, however, you must pay all amounts due and owing before the termination is effective and no refunds will be provided. To the extent necessary to implement the termination provisions of this agreement, both parties waive any rights they have, or obligation that they may have, now or in the future under any applicable law or regulation, to request or obtain the approval, order, decision or judgment of any court to terminate this agreement.

Renewal.  Except for Limited Offerings, Subscriptions will automatically renew at the end of the Term for a period equal to the applicable initial Term. Limited Offerings terminate on the expiration and will not automatically renew.  We will provide you with written notice of the automatic renewal before the expiration of the Term.If you want your Subscription to expire at the end of the Term, you must notify customer support no less than thirty (30) days before the end of the Term.

Customer Data return and deletion. You may extract and/or delete Customer Data at any time.  When a Subscription expires or terminates, we will retain any Customer Data you have not deleted for at least 90 days so that you may extract it, except for Limited Offerings, where we may delete Customer Data immediately without any retention period.  You remain responsible for all storage and other applicable charges during this retention period. Following the expiration of this retention period, we will delete all Customer Data, including any cached or back-up copies, after the end of the retention period. You agree that we have no additional obligation to continue to hold, export or return Customer Data and that we have no liability whatsoever for deletion of Customer Data pursuant to these terms.

Regulatory. If developments with government regulation or requirements cause us to believe this agreement or the Services may be in conflict with any such regulation or requirement, we may change the Services or terminate the agreement without any liability.

Suspension. We may suspend your use of the Services if: (1) reasonably needed to prevent unauthorized access to Customer Data; (2) you fail to respond to a claim of alleged infringement within a reasonable time; (3) you do not pay amounts due under this agreement; or (4) you do not abide by the Acceptable Use Policy or violate other terms of this agreement or applicable laws and regulations. A suspension will apply to the minimum necessary part of the Services and will be in effect only while the condition or need exists. We will give notice before we suspend, except where we reasonably believe we need to suspend immediately. If you do not fully address the reasons for the suspension within 60 days after we suspend, we may terminate your Subscription and delete your Customer Data without any retention period.

Termination for breach.  If you materially breach this agreement, we will notify you and provide you with thirty (30) days to remedy the breach.  If you have not remedied the material breach within the thirty (30) day period, we may terminate your use of the Services. For Limited Offerings, our right to terminate the Services is effective upon notifying you of such material breach.

Effect of termination or expiration on Software.  If this agreement or a Subscription is terminated or expires, then you must delete all copies of Software licensed under this agreement and destroy any associated media. We may also disable it at that time.


  1. Warranties.

Limited warranty. We warrant that the Services will meet the terms of the SLAs during the Term. Your only remedies for breach of this warranty are those in the SLAs.

Limited warranty exclusions. This limited warranty is subject to the following limitations:

(i) any implied warranties, guarantees or conditions not able to be disclaimed as a matter of law will last one year from the start of the limited warranty;

(ii) this limited warranty does not cover problems caused by accident, abuse or use of the Services in a manner inconsistent with this agreement, or resulting from events beyond our reasonable control;

(iii) this limited warranty does not apply to problems caused by the failure to meet minimum system requirements; and

(iv) this limited warranty does not apply to Previews or Limited Offerings.



  1. Defense of claims.

Defense. We will defend you against any claims made by an unaffiliated third party that the Services infringes its patent, copyright or trademark or makes unlawful use of its trade secret. You will defend us and our Affiliates against any claims made by an unaffiliated third party that (1) any Customer Solution or Customer Data you provide directly or indirectly in using the Services infringes the third party’s patent, copyright, or trademark or makes unlawful use of its trade secret or (2) arise from violation of the Acceptable Use Policy.

Limitations. Our obligation to defend you will not apply to a claim or award based on: (1) Customer Solution, Customer Data, Third-Party Product, modifications you make to the Software, or materials you provide or make available as part of using the Services; (2) Your combination of the Services with, or damages based upon the value of, a Third-Party Product, data or business process; (3) Your use of a 21Vianet or Microsoft trademark without express written consent, or your use of the Services after we notify you to stop due to a third party claim; or (4) Your redistribution of the Software to, or use for the benefit of, any unaffiliated third party.

Remedies. If we reasonably believe that a claim may bar your use of the Services, we will seek to:

(1) obtain the right for you to keep using it; or (2) modify or replace it with a functional equivalent. If these options are not commercially reasonable, we may terminate your rights to use the Services and then refund any advance payments for unused Subscription rights.

Obligations. Each party must notify the other promptly of a claim under this Section 7. The party seeking protection must (1) give the other sole control over the defense and settlement of the claim; and (2) give reasonable help in defending the claim. The party providing the protection will (1) reimburse the other for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses that it incurs in giving that help and (2) pay the amount of any resulting adverse final judgment (or settlement that the other consents to).


  1. Limitation of liability.

Limitation. To the extent permitted under applicable law, the aggregate liability of each party (and/or its Affiliates, suppliers and contractors) under this agreement is limited to direct damages up to the amount paid under this agreement for the Services giving rise to that liability during the 12 months before the liability arose.In the case of a Preview or Limited Offering, or any code that you are authorized to redistribute to third parties without separate payment to us, our and our Affiliates’ and contractors’ liability to you arising under this agreement is limited to 50 RMB.


Exceptions to Limitations. The limits of liability in this Section apply to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, but do not apply to: (1) the parties’ obligations under the section entitled “Defense of claims” or the subsection entitled “Force majeure”; or (2) violation of the other’s intellectual property rights.


  1. Software.

Software provided for use on devices. We may provide you with Software for use with the Services.  If the Software is provided to you with its own proprietary license terms, those terms control and may require that you enter into an end user license agreement directly with a supplier.  If the Software does not have its own license terms, then we grant you a license to install and use the number of copies of Software you ordered on your devices for use with Services. We may check the version of the Software you are using and recommend or download updates, with or without notice, to your devices. Software licenses you obtained under this agreement last only for the term of the applicable Subscription or until we update the Services such that they no longer support the Software, whichever comes first.

Other rights. Rights to access Software on any device do not give you any right to implement patents or other intellectual property in software or devices that access that device.

  1. Miscellaneous.

Notices. You must send notices by mail to the address below:

Shanghai Blue Cloud Technology Co., Ltd, an affiliate of Beijing 21Vianet Broadband Data Center Co., Ltd.

MS Cloud | Sales Support Team

12-13F, Building 6, No.6, Jiuxianqiao Road,Beijing Electronic Zone, Chaoyang Disctrict,Beijing

Post code: 100015

You agree to receive electronic notices from us, which will be sent by email to the account administrator you specify in the Portal.  Notices are effective on the date on the return receipt or, for email, when sent.


(i) You may not assign this agreement.  We may assign this agreement to our Affiliates.

(ii) In the event that our right to continue providing you the Services ends, we may assign this agreement to another entity with 45 days’ notice to you.  If you object to assignment to the new entity, you may terminate this agreement and all Subscriptions (without accruing any early cancellation payments) by providing us with notice before the end of the 45 day period.

Identification of a Partner of Record.  When you place an order, you may be given the option to identify a “Partner of Record” associated with your Subscriptions.  By identifying a Partner of Record, directly or by authorizing a third party to do so, you acknowledge that the Partner of Record may receive fees for their support.The fees are for pre-sales support and may also include post-sales support.  The fees are based on, and increase with, the size of your order. Our prices for Services are the same whether or not you identify a Partner of Record.

Sever ability. If any part of this agreement is held unenforceable, the rest remains in full force and effect.

Waiver. Failure to enforce any provision of this agreement will not constitute a waiver.

No agency. We are independent contractors. This agreement does not create an agency, partnership or joint venture.

Your responsibility for use of Communities.  You are responsible for your users’ use of the Communities, if any, including ensuring compliance with the terms governing the Communities located at the Communities website. We specifically disclaim any liability arising from or related to your or your users’ use of or inability to use the Communities website.

Force majeure.  Neither party will be liable for any failure in performance due to causes beyond its reasonable control (such as fire, explosion, power blackout, earthquake, flood, severe storms, strike, embargo, labor disputes, acts of civil or military authority, war, terrorism (including cyber terrorism), acts of God, acts or omissions of Internet traffic carriers, actions or omissions of regulatory or governmental bodies (including the passage of laws or regulations or other acts of government that impact the delivery of Services).  This section will not, however, apply to your payment obligations under this agreement.

Governing Law and Dispute Resolution.  This agreement will be construed with and governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China.  Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with or relating to this Agreement, or the breach termination or invalidity hereof (including the validity, scope and enforce ability of this Section) will be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (“CIETAC”) for arbitration, which arbitration shall be conducted in Beijing in accordance with the CIETAC’s arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration.  The arbitral award will be final and binding upon both parties.  This Section, however, will not prevent either party from seeking injunctive relief in the appropriate jurisdiction for any (i) violation of that party’s intellectual property rights, (ii) breach of any confidentiality obligations owed to that party under this Agreement, or (iii) enforcement or recognition of any award or order in any appropriate jurisdiction.

Modifications.  We may require you to sign a new agreement on renewal of a Subscription, but we will not modify this agreement during the Term without your consent unless new features or updates to the Service require new or different terms or if otherwise required by law.  We will notify you of any such required changes in accordance with the subsection entitled “Notices,” and you will be bound by such modified terms by continuing to use the Services after receiving notice.

Compliance with Trade Laws. The parties to this Agreement acknowledge that the Products based on technology licensed from Microsoft (“Items”) may be subject to U.S. and other countries’ export jurisdictions. Each party will comply with all laws and regulations applicable to the import or export of the Items, including but not limited to trade laws such as the U.S. Export Administration Regulations and International Traffic in Arms Regulations, and sanctions regulations administered by the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) (“trade laws”).

You will not take any action that causes 21Vianet or its licensor to violate U.S. or other applicable trade laws. In the event that you learn of a potential violation of trade laws relating to the performance of this agreement, or a potential violation of the terms in this subsection, you will alert 21Vianet as soon as possible, but in no event more than 14 days after acquiring this knowledge. 21Vianet may suspend or terminate this Agreement to the extent that 21Vianet reasonably concludes that performance would cause it or its licensor to violate U.S. or other applicable trade laws, including those described above, or put it or its licensor at risk of becoming the subject of economic sanctions under such laws.


  1. Definitions.

Any reference in this agreement to “day” will be a calendar day.

“Acceptable Use Policy” lists prohibited uses of Services, and is published for Microsoft 365 Services at https://www.21vbluecloud.com/ostpt/, or at alternate sites that we identify.

“Affiliate” means any legal entity that a party owns or that owns a party, with a 50% or greater interest.

“Communities” means one or more forum(s) that we or an Affiliate may establish for customers or the general public to obtain information or collaborate regarding the use of the Services, as may be accessible via the Portal or at an alternate website we identify.

“Customer Data” means all data, including all text, sound, software, or image files, that are provided to us by, or on behalf of, you or End Users through your or End Users’ use of the Services.

“End User” means any user of a Customer Solution or any person permitted by you or any of your Affiliates to access and use the Services, the Customer Data hosted in the Services or otherwise use the Services.

“Limited Offering” means a limited quantity of Services offered for a limited term for no charge or for a nominal charge (for example, a trial for 1 RMB).

“Microsoft 365 Services” means one or more of the services or features identified at https://www.21vbluecloud.com/ostpt/ and operated by us from data centers located in the People’s Republic of China, excluding Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau.

“Portal” means the online portal from which you purchase a Subscription for Microsoft 365 Services at https://www.21vbluecloud.com/ostpt/, or at alternate sites we identify.

“Previews” means preview, beta, or other prerelease versions of the Services or Software offered to obtain customer feedback.

“Privacy Statement” means the Privacy Statement for Online Services Operated by 21Vianet published at https://www.21vbluecloud.com/ostpt/, or at alternate sites that we identify.

“Services” or “Service” means any Windows Azure Services and/or Microsoft 365 Services and Software included with your Subscription as part of the Services.

“Services Terms” provide additional terms that govern specific features within the Service and customer support for the Service, and are published for Microsoft 365 at https://www.21vbluecloud.com/ostpt/, or at alternate sites we identify.  You may also need to use other web sites and online services to access and use the Services, and if so, the terms of use associated with those web sites or online services apply to your use of them.

“SLAs” means the commitments we make regarding delivery or performance of the Services, as published in the service level agreements available for Microsoft 365 Services at https://www.21vbluecloud.com/microsoft365/m365-sla/

“Software” means software we provide to you as part of the Services for use with or within the Services.

“Subscription” means the right to use a particular Service plan (such as Microsoft 365 Business Standard or Office 365 Enterprise E3) for the Term.

“Subscription License” means the means the right of a single End User to access and use the Services and to download, install and use the Software during the Term of the Subscription.

“Term” means the duration of a Subscription (for example, 30 days or 12 months).

“Third-Party Product” is any software, data, service, website or other product licensed, sold or otherwise provided to you by an entity other than us, whether you obtained it via our Product or elsewhere.

“we” and “us” means 21Vianet, as defined at the beginning of this agreement.

“you” and “your” means the entity signing this agreement to use the Product.


Appendix A – Qualified Educational User

Qualified Educational User is defined as:

1.  an educational institution or establishment, being a public or private school, elementary, primary, intermediate, secondary or high school, extraordinary school for the disabled, vocational school, job training establishment, correspondence school, junior college, college of education, university, scientific or technical institute, polytechnic, academy or religious school which meets all of the following criteria:

(i) Offers courses of study that lead to a certification that is recognized as part of a country’s mainstream educational progression.  (Examples of such certifications include: International Baccalaureate; School Certificate, Associate Diploma, Diploma; Bachelor Degree; Masters Degree; Doctorate); and

(ii) Is accredited by the Ministry/Department of Education or appropriate recognized education accreditation agency within the country.  In the absence of direct accreditation, there must be accreditation by proxy (i.e. the certification offered by the school or institution must be acceptable for credit or placement in a traditionally accredited educational institution locally or overseas); and

(iii) Substantially all of the institution’s student enrolments (>90%) must be in educational courses leading to an accredited certification recognized under subparagraph (i) above, with only incidental enrollments in non-accredited programs.

2. an early childhood centre meeting all of the following criteria:  (i) is an early childhood program incorporated for the purpose of providing educational services to children between two and five years of age and which serves minimum of ten such children; (ii) is lawfully established, authorized, created, licensed, chartered, registered and/or accredited by the Ministry/Department of Education or appropriate recognized accreditation agency within the country; and (iii) has been in operation for at least one year.

Administrative Offices or Boards of Education of Qualified Educational User is defined as (a) central government, provincial level, district level and local administrative organs or authorities in charge of the public Qualified Educational User as defined above; or (b) the administrative organs established and operated to administer the private Qualified Educational User defined above.


Special note regarding Hospitals, Healthcare Systems and Research Laboratories:

Note that hospitals, healthcare systems, and research laboratories are NOT eligible to be included as part of a Qualified Educational User even if they are wholly owned and operated by the Qualified Educational User.